Membership in DGKK
- DGGK is engaged in the support of crystal growth and epitaxy in the areas of research, education, and technology.
- The support of young researchers is a major goal of DGKK.
- DGKK represents the interests of the members on national and international level.
- DGKK has a strong network both national and international.
- DGKK consists of about 400 members,
- Members get:
- the journal DGKK-Mitteilungsblatt as print version per mail
- a reduced fee at the Deutschen Kristallzüchtungstagung (DKT)
General Membership
The annual fee is 30 € and 20 € for regular and student members, respectively.
Bank account: Sparkasse Karlsruhe
Kto.-Nr.: 10430619
BLZ: 66050101
IBAN: DE84660501010010430619
Membership for Companies
The DGKK News service can be used free of charge.
- 10% reduction for advertisement/job in MB
- 10% reduction on exhibition fees at events of DGKK
- Participation of employees at reduced conference fees at events of DGKK
Contact for companies
Cornelius Krellner
Goethe-Universität, Physikalisches Institut
Max-von Laue Str. 1, D-60438 Frankfurt/Main
Telefon: 069/798-47295
Membership fee for companies
< 20 Employees - starting at 50€/year
< 100 Employees - starting at 100€/year
≥ 100 Employees - starting at 200€/year