Early Career prize
With the Young Talent Award (constitution), the DGKK acknowledges extraordinary scientific achievements by junior scientists in the field of crystal growth.
The award, which is endowed with 2500€, is aimed at junior scientists (maximum age of 35 years), who already presented their research results on a DGKK working group meeting or the annual DKT conference and who have been proposed to the DGKK board by their supervisor or by DGKK members with a testimonial including a achievement evaluation and a publication list.
Proposals for the DGKK Young Talent Award 2024 can now be submitted to the chair of the DGKK, Andreas Erb.
Submission Deadline was December 1st 2024.
Honour to the awardee takes place at the DKT 2025 in Frankfurt.
Previous Awardees of the DGKK- Young Talent Award
2024 - Ta-Shun Chou, IKZ Berlin
2021 - Kevin Peter Gradwohl, IKZ Berlin
2020 - Robin Lang, ISE Freiburg
2019 - Dirk Johannes Kok (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin) & Pascal Puphal (Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland)
2018 - Matthias Marx, RWTH Aachen
2017 - Ludwig Stockmeier, Fraunhofer THM, Freiberg
2016 - Oliver Supplie, TU Ilmenau
2015 - Anton Jesche, Uni Augsburg
2014 - Saicharan Aswartham, IFW Dresden
2013 - Kaspar Dadzis, SWIN Freiberg
2013 - Benjamin Reuters, RWTH Aachen
2012 - Birgit Kallinger, Fraunhofer IISB, Erlangen
2011 - Robert Heimburger, IKZ, Berlin
2010 - Henning Döscher, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin
2007 - Helene Kasjanow, ETP Hannover
2007 - Götz Meisterernst, LMU München
2005 - Dimitri Souptel, IWF Dresden
2005 - Michael Block, TU Berlin
2005 - Stephan Hussy, Fraunhofer IISB, Erlangen
2004 - Nicoleta Kaluza, Forschungszentrum Jülich
2003 - Bernhard Birkmann, Fraunhofer IISB, Erlangen
2003 - Carsten Busse, RWTH Aachen