About DGKK
The Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung e.V. (DGKK) has the duty by bylaw to support research, education, and technology in the areas of crystal growth and epitaxy.
Employing conferences and news DGKK informs about relating research, development, and results. DGKK fosters the scientific networks among its members on national and international level. Especially, DGKK supports young researchers by organising events for education and training, by giving travel support and by organising cooperations with schools. Furthermore, DGKK gives awards for outstanding results in crystal growth and epitaxy, the ,,Preis der DGKK" and a ,,DGKK-Nachwuchspreis" (award for young researchers).
There are estimations that more than 10000 jobs in Germany are related to crystal growth and epitaxy. This comprises the crystal growth industry but also suppliers for equipment as well as for raw or furnace materials. For all those researchers and tecnicians DGKK is the national association.