Working group Kinetics
Ultrathin layers, growth kinetics and layer transfer

T. Boeck
The working group Wachstumskinetik was founded in 2000 by Prof. Peter Rudolf. Due to the emerging development in the technology of thin layers the working group was extended by the topics ultra thin layers and layer transfer.
The working group is dealing with interface phenomena as well as the preparation of thin layers down to 2D materials. A major focus is given to the kinetic processes and the mechanical transfer of layers, i.e. the so-called layer-transfer. In order to broaden the unterstanding of all these topics the working group wants to establish a forum to discuss experimental, numerical, and theoretical research.
Several topics are discussed in the working group, among the key topics there are:
- growth of 2D materials
- growth-related phenomena at interfaces and surfaces
- 2DEG/2DHG at crystalline interfaces
- growth modes und instabilities during epitaxial growth
- preparation of ultra-thin layers and nano structures
- kinetics at the interface liquid/solid
- layer transfer and Bildung von Strukturdefekten
- in-situ investigations of kinetic processes
- nucleation
- dislocation dynamics
- atomistic computations using DFT, molecular dynamics, and kinetic Monte-Carlo
Contact person
Filed Growth kinetics
Wolfram Miller
Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung
Field Layer transfer
Jens Martin
Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung
Field Ultra thin layers
Owen C. Ernst
Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg
Overview of working groups