Welcome at the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallwachstum und Kristallzüchtung e.V. (DGKK)

DGKK is the largest association for crystal growth in Germany. DGKK supports research, education and technology development in the areas of crystal growth and epitaxy. DGKK acts as the platform for researcher and technicians in this area and represents their interests on national as well as international level. More than 50 years DGKK supports young researchers, organises conferences and workshops, provides training courses and grants excellent research by prizes.

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DGKK newsletter
#117 (6/2024)

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Machine Learning
04.März 2025 (ab 16 Uhr) - Frankfurt/Main

13th annual meeting of the young crystal growers (jDGKK)
04.03.2025 - Frankfurt/Main, Germany

DKT 2025
05.03. - 07.03.2025 - Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Crystallisation Science and Engineering (short course)
01.04.-03.04.2025 - Leeds (UK)

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Current job offers

Stellenangebot Rigaku
Application Specialist XRD (m/f/d)

Stellenausschreibungen IKZ
aktuelle Stellenangebote am IKZ Berlin

Stellenanzeige COHERENT
COHERENT in Idar-Oberstein sucht Product Line Manager für Laserkristalle

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